Adopt a Super Coral
and join Georgette in saving the Reef

Acropora Globiceps is one of the many coral species that Coral Gardeners helps to thrive. Thanks to adoptions like Georgette‘s, we are able to find Super Corals that resist bleaching events. We multiply and grow them on ropes in our nursuries and monitor their growth until they can be re-introduced on the reef.

50% of coral reefs are already dead, but together we can reverse this trend and save the reef.

Lina’la’ (Acropora Globiceps)

Acropora Globiceps
Thanks to you, we can repopulate the reef with fragments of this resilient super coral to help preserve our oceans - coral reefs are the foundations of a healthy ocean - we rely on them, alongside 25% of all marine life, to survive - but due to rising ocean temperatures, they could be the first ecosystem to collapse - 

S 17°47.499, W 149°79.486

Mo’Orea, French Polynesia


Acropora Globiceps


Adopted by Georgette Chaco